Thursday, September 25, 2008

Just completed an absentee ballot request

Now I have to wait for the elections office to mail me the absentee ballot. I'm writing this on my blog because everyone (OK not everyone) has asked if I will be submitting one.

As many of you may (or may not know), I've been involved in campaigning for local and nationwide campaigns since my early 2os. I got involved after being pissed off that the 2000 presidential election was stolen from Gore. (For those of you who disagree, pick up a book, an article, and read it with unbiased eyes!)

Many are surprised that I'm not in America during this historic election. I've had a hard time coping with not being able to help elect a Democrat into office. Frankly, I have Bush fatigue so damn bad I think it's fatal. And the thought of having 4 more years with McCain is sickening.

I almost didn't come to Europe or at least thought of postponing my trip. After discussing this with some of my close political friends, I've decided it's OK, and you have to take care of yourself first. I've been a loyal campaigner for quite a while, and Obama has motivated and inspired people who have never been interested in politics before; therefore, I'm comfortable with my decision and believe he'll be OK without me. ;)

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