Monday, September 15, 2008

Work a little, eat little

My day, today:

9:00 am - Had coffee and roll at my little outside table.

Project 1, fix up my new room! Yes, I'll be moving out of the cozy little cottage on Friday. A Danish woman is coming who will be working with Anne on Holistic Treatments. It's OK, my new room will be just as comfortable.

9:30 - 11:45 am - Moved furniture and cleaned windows.

noon - 1:00 pm - Lunch with Mick and Anne. We ate yummy eggs with cheese and tomato, rolls and sliced cucumbers. I washed some clothes in the sink. Then listened and critiqued more of Mick's music.

2:00 - 3:30 pm - Sanded and painted door.

3:30 - 4:30 pm - Mick prepared a snack and tea! Snack included two rice crisps, one with cheese and pear, and one with tahnini, tomato and onion. Anne and I chatted while we enjoyed our snack.

4:30 - 6:00 pm - I biked around part of the island. It takes 4 hours to circle the entire island. It's absolutely gorgeous.

Rest of the night will include dinner at 7 pm and probably some reading.

I'm having difficulty attaching pics because they have a mac and i'm unfamiliar with them. I will try later. Sorry dudes.


Katie said...

Sounds wonderful! I could see how you'd get too comfortable and not want to leave!


James Chicago said...

You fellow traveller, you! Great to hear your experience is off to a good start. You'll have to let me know all about your time in the UK, if any of my suggestions were useful. Cheers, James Chicago