Monday, December 22, 2008

Bittersweet ending

Taking this trip was the best decision I've ever made. I can't imagine that I ever second guessed my decision. If I didn't take this trip it would have been a regret of mine. As I don't believe in having regrets, or at least not obssessing over them, but just accepting them as a part of your life, and that life isn't perfect and not everything you want is attainable for whatever reason(s).

BUT if I didn't take this trip, it would have been a regret of mine that I wouldn't have gotten over. It's something I needed to do. Something I always wanted to do. Something I needed to do to get out of my system.

This is a bittersweet ending for me, especially considering I couldn't make up my mind about whether to stay or go, and feeling guilty and almost ashamed at myself for not staying longer. I emailed a few friends asking for advice.

A common response was: This is your last opportunity to travel like this, so think long and hard about whether you want to go home now.

Well, I thought about it, long and hard, and it hit me. No, this isn't my last opportunity to travel like this. Why should it be? Why can't I do this again? Or the better question, Why shouldn't I do this, again?

When I go home and in 5 months, a year, etc., am unhappy I can go back to Europe. But just because I'm coming home doesn't mean it's definite; nothing is.

But at this time, I'm tired and running out of money so it is time to go home.

This trip has been absolutely amazing. The blog is just a glimpse of my trip and what I've experienced - words can't even begin to explain. I contribute the success of my trip mainly to my hosts. I accomplished the goal of my trip: to stay with locals and see what life is like in other countries. Not only did I experience their lifestyle and culture, but I met, for the most part, exceptional people. I mean that with all its meaning, truly exceptional people. People that I not only enjoyed spending time with, but people I have learned from. You could only be lucky enough to have met the people I have.

But it's a strange feeling to accept that my trip is over, and now, back to reality. As I'm ready to go home, I am a little nervous to go back. Will I be able to fit back into American society so easily? Ha, ha... did I really before, anyways?

Seriously, it's hard to grasp that I will go back to the US and interview and eventually get a job with only 2 weeks vacation. I can't get over it. I think that's the killer. If we had 4-6 week vacations like the Europeans, America would be gold, or close to it. Two weeks ain't freedom. No, sir.


Mari said...

Awesome trek! You'll go again, you still have to hit Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, etc.

Unknown said...

Brooke I whish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2009 !!! and I am sure that you had a wonderful time in Europe, I could see the pics... Love and Miss you - Patricia Sato - from Brazil

Life is a bowl Boquete, Panama said...

Hi Brooke,
Been keeping up with your postings. Think I will link your blog onto mine. It was so cool of you to go to Europe what an exciting and educational adventure. My adventure is here Panama, Lane and I love it very much.

Life is a bowl Boquete, Panama said...

Just had to say the last comment was from me, Jere!! Happy New Year!!