Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Rome, the city of hustlers

See now, I have a love/hate relationship with Rome. It's absolutely beautiful and the history is down right amazing, but seriously, this city is ridiculous. It's run like a credit card company, ie, expensive charges and hidden fees. From the restaurants to the street vendors - it's like they're all out to get your money with no ethical standards.

The street vendors are out of control. They're in your face constantly trying to sell you roses, glow stick things and telescopes. Mother f***ers even try selling you umbrellas when you're using one!

It's to the point where it's just plain obnoxious. Hey, I understand these dudes gotta make a living, but no is no. Last night for example, my reserved, sophisticated boyfriend told a vendor if he brings a rose over to our table he will punch him in the face! If you know Philip, this type of behaviour is out of character for him.

Don't even get me started on how outrageously priced food and drinks can be. I understand restaurants and bars are overpriced in tourist areas, but 4 euros (about 5 US dollars) for a Coke? Kiss my fat a**! Even when Philip and I ventured out of the tourist hoods, prices where the same.

Not to mention, more restaurants than not, charge you for a basket of bread. Come on, are you serious? Or are we just spoiled that in ALL Italian restaurants in the US, a basket of bread is complimentary?

AND a few times we have been over charged. Now, I understand this happens as a tourist, but I've been traveling since September and this is the first city I have been over charged in, and not to mention it's happened more than once.

One more complaint, the cabs. Automatic charge is 2.40 Euro plus mileage, OK fine, but at night it's 4.40 Euro plus mileage. So you're paying 4.40 Euro right off the bat, just to get in the cab. What's so bogus is Rome's metro doesn't run all night, so your forced to take a cab, because you're not gonna truck your ass all over Rome at 2 am in the morning.

Omigod, I almost forgot! Get this one. On Saturday, Nicole, Philip and I go to this jazz club. It was a 10 Euro cover charge. When we received our drink bill there was a 5 Euro fee, per person to sit at the table! F*** off!

It's common in Rome to be charge 1-2 Euros to sit at a table in a cafe, bar or restaurant. BUT we paid a 10 Euro cover charge! And you're gonna charge us an additional 5 Euro to sit at a table? Philip the attorney that he is, told them we weren't paying the table charge and we didn't.

I know I've complained a lot, but my comfort level was not at its highest because I was consumed with being ripped off. Frankly, I was pissed off too much. I know there's nothing you can do about it, but I don't like. It doesn't make me feel good about this city or its people. At one point I told a dude to f*** off. Now, I know it's not smart, but that's how pissed off I was. I kept thinking Oh, my Denmark, how I miss you so!

Now don't be scared to come to Rome. My recos, come for 3 days to sightsee and go to other cities for food and drink.

Oh, and pretend like you don't speak English. I've learned to just shake my head and talk gibberish as if it's another language, when they're in my face. These people think Americans are rich, which I suppose we are compared to them.

Or just be a bad a**. Don't let anyone take advantage of you. If you show any kind of weakness they will.


photographer said...
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Brooke Sylvester said...

dude, right? they are. i know i sound ghetto, but i could've t-boned those mother f*ckers i was so annoyed.

so i've decided. mother f*cker is my favorite word.

Nicole said...