Wednesday, December 10, 2008

OK, I changed my return date, again

I arrive in Chicago on Dec 24.

Why? Several reasons: 

1) The madness taking place in Greece. It could end tomorrow, or next week. Point being is the tension and negative vibe will most likely still exist for the next month or two, or longer. I do not want to experience this while traveling Greece. Especially being a woman traveling solo. 

2) I can't travel for the next 3 months without a permanent home. It's too damn tiring and expensive. I could find another farm somewhere, but it's too time consuming. The entire process takes about 2-3 weeks, and I do not want to wait that long for a decision. 

3) I think I'm just ready to come back to the States. It could be a combo of just travel fatigue and homesickness. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually miss the US. I think it's because I'm in Italy and I see how fortunate I am NOT to be living here. (More on that later.) But if Denmark or The Netherlands were my last stop... well that's another story.

4) I'm tired of meeting new people. I know, this probably sounds horrible. But I am. I don't want to explain why I'm traveling. I don't even want to tell people where I'm from. Today for example, while Pasquele's car was getting fixed (story later) one of the mechanics walks towards me and I'm thinking Ugh, please don't talk to me. Why? Because his English is very poor and I don't feel like spending 10 min of my time having a completely uncommunicative conversation. This is when you know it's time to go back home because two weeks ago I would have been more than happy to strike up a conversation with anyone.


What will I do when I return? Well, I think I need me some New Orleans for sure. I definitely need some live music. And of course I look forward to seeing family and friends. 

Work? Well, until I find a real job I can always work part-time at my friend's company. I totally jinxed myself about finding a job during a not-so-hot economy. Things will work out, they always do. A typical, lazy explanation to bad situations. But hey, it's making me feel good now!

I leave Naples, Italy tomorrow with no destination scheduled. I'm either going back to Spain or to Germany. I'll decide tomorrow morning. I just can't decide. This isn't the first time I've made last minute travel decisions. Actually it's pretty much how I've done it all along while Couch Surfing. It's my idea of living on the edge. ;)

I'll see you, my friends and family soon!


Mari said...

Travel safely B. Oh, and Germany rocks!

Unknown said...

well can't wait to see you.

Brooke Sylvester said...

thanks mari and bill.

bill, look forward to seeing you to! i'll see you in indy at uncle tim's on the 27th.