Friday, November 14, 2008

Liter of Beer Night!

Every drink at this bar was served in a liter sized cup. I know, it´s gross. I felt like a total f***ing pig drinking it. Especially considering how much I´ve been drinking lately and that I didn´t even want to go out last night. Ah, but what the hell, I´m in Spain!

In pic is one of Alvaro´s friends Brittany. She´s from Colorado and is teaching English in Spain for the next year.

Alvaro went to comfort his buddy who´s dog is ill so I ended up hanging with Brittany. She was really cool.

It was relaxing and cool to hang with an American and just talk freely. Not that I´m complaining, but it can be tiring to communicate with someone who´s English isn´t very good. (FYI, Alvaro´s is very good.)

And it was interesting to hear her take on Spain and the differences from America. Like for example, she carries tissue and anti-bacterial liquid with her at all times because toilet paper and soap is scarce in Spain restrooms. And it is. But I´ve just delt with it. A little germ is OK - we as the human race have survived this long, right? But kudos to the corporations who have successfully marketed anti-bacterial liquids.

And of course we ended the night at a club. I gotta tell ya, if I see one more f***ing strobe or neon light or hear one more cheesy ass American pop song I´m taking the first flight back to Chicago. I need some live music!

Don´t get me wrong I´ve had fun and I like to dance, but I´m not a clubber. I never have been. OK maybe when I was 19 with a fake ID I visited some clubs, but my preference is to hang at bars with live music, preferably blues. I just don´t feel the music.

It´s not just the music that´s a turn off, but the people. I don´t hang out or date cheese dicks, and that´s who generally hangs at clubs. Dudes with greased hair and girls with too much makeup. Or as I usually say, people with no soul. I can´t explain any further, you either get it or you don´t.

But regardless, I´m sure I will be partying and dancing until the wee hours at more clubs and having a good time while in Spain.


Katie said...

I'm right there with ya sister! Please pass the glow stick....WTF?

Mike said...



There are soooo many resaons why...
but they all have one thing in common... well at least one word in common... JUGS!

1. From the looks of it, the outfit Brooke is wearing... hers may fall out...
2. Brook's facial expression is that of seeing Maggie's for the first time... WHILE SOBER!!!
3. And most importantly... IT'S LITER OF BEER NIGHT... WHERE IS MINE DAMMIT!!!