Monday, November 17, 2008

Nicole's First Italian Kissing Experience

As I've written before Spaniards and Italians tend to be very affectionate. So last night when we were hanging with The Italian, he went to give Nicole a kiss on the cheek after we did the first round of shots. As he was going in to give her an innocent kiss she backed away uncomfortably and rejected him.

I laughed and told Nicole let him give you a kiss - it's their way of showing they like you, and it's not sexual.

And he was very apologetic. I explained to him in America we don't kiss like you guys do with strangers or even with friends.

I'm so used to the kissing that I'm a kissing machine. I kiss everyone. Upon meeting The Italian we did the kisses on booth cheeks. And everytime he bought a round a gave him a kiss on the cheek.

So I found it amusing the way Nicole reacted. In the end, she let him give her a kiss. It was cute.

1 comment:

MAMA 'B' said...

aww~~ nicole... bad bad girl... lol.. so was he cute?? there's plenty more where that came from! maybe you will find someone and bring them back wit ya , huh?? hahah !! love ya MAMA :" B" HAVE FUN!!!