Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We elected Obama! I´m estatic and tearful all day today!

I´m dying at the same time. Election results did not come in until 3 am my time; therefore, all bars and restaurants were closed. In addition, my hotel has no English TV channels, no computer and no phone! I was totally shut out from the world! I obviously didn´t plan well.

I barely slept last night. I tossed and turned, kept thinking about the election.

And I left Montpellier, France at 7 am this morning. So I´ve been on trains all day and as of now have 1 hr until my next train leaves, which arrives in Seville, Spain at 7:30 pm. So needless to say I've been completely out of the loop! The only reason I knew Obama won was because Philip texted me updates.

This is progress! Electing a black man as the President of the United States. How f***ing unbelievable, and what a groundbreaking time in our history. It feels absolutely great!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send me any election details from yesterday. Even if you think it´s stupid, tell me. What was the mood at work, outside? Did you go out? What was it like watching Obama speak in Grant Park?


Mari said...

Hi Brooke, posted on your last election blog entry last night! In my family, we sobbed, we smiled, we cheered!

Chicago looked so cool- what a sea of humanity!
At least half the people in any American crowd shots were crying- it was something else!

They showed people in Kenya near Obama's father's hometown dancing in the streets. Kenya declared it a national holiday!

In Rio de Janeiro they danced on the beaches. In Obama Japan, they danced.

So, a lot of dancing, a lot of crying, and I slept like a baby!

Brooke Sylvester said...

thanks mari. it´s been pretty cool seeing the absolute happiness and relief from europeans due to obama´s victory.

and it´s cool to see obama on the cover of every newspaper.

whenever people learn i´m american they always congratulate me. as have many of my previous hosts.