Monday, October 13, 2008

About F***ing Time!

About time a member of the media has denounced McCain and Palin for saying Obama is linked to terrorists! It is f***ing unbelievable, shameful and embarrassing! PLEASE read this opinion piece published (I believe first) in the Baltimore Sun.,0,7557571.story

I know this isn't a travel entry, but I am so tired and disgusted by these outright lies. And I'm tired and disgusted by the ignorance and hatred among Americans who believe in this shit. It's once again, the right-wing instilling fear in Americans. But what's more frightening to me is that people actually believe it!

Who shouts out "kill him!" in reference to Obama? You want him killed? What?!

If for any reason you think Obama may be a terroist or associated with terrorism activities, frankly, you're a f***ing idiot and you should be ashamed of yourself for not researching the truth. Do you really think a presidential candidate of the US could be a terrorist?

I don't care if I offend you. I don't care if you don't talk to me anymore.

I can't handle living in this type of society anymore. I don't tell many people this because most don't understand, but this is another reason I left America for a while. Seriously, I just can't take it.


R said...

And now I hope you can take Europe :-)

Brooke Sylvester said...

thanks mo. i will.